Going to the gym today? Remember these 3 safety steps

  • Sep 04, 2020

Now that gyms have been allowed to reopen in areas that are under general and modified general community quarantine (GCQ, MGCQ), it’s now vital that you follow the safety protocols of your fitness establishment, and to do some precautions yourself—the aim of these, of course, is to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  

Here are a few steps on how to keep yourself safe in fitness establishments during these times:

1.    Assess yourself. According to infectious disease specialist Dr. Saadia Griffith-Howard, you must first assess your own medical conditions and know “whether you are someone who's at high risk for an infection," she said in an online report. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that people with certain existing health problems such as diabetes, heart or lung disease have a higher risk of being infected. 

2.    See if your gym is complying with safety protocols with the help of a checklist. Observe if the gym is taking your temperature upon entrance, if they regularly disinfect the equipment, and if the staff and other gym patrons are wearing a mask. Also, know if the establishment and its staff are practicing physical distancing among the equipment and the people in the gym. 

3.    Wear a mask. This basic piece of protective equipment may not be not conducive to working out, but science has already proved how it can ultimately protect its wearers from the disease. However, there are some things to keep in mind when working out with a mask on. 

Sports Medicine Surgeon Dr. Rich Pasion advised that wearing a mask during a strenuous routine may put a person at risk for carbon dioxide overload, because of the heavy breathing one would make in the routine. 

Kerry Sports Manila Director of Sports and Recreation Mike Montes shared that gym patrons might be allowed to “remove their masks when they are working out, but may have to put them on when moving around the premises.” 

Currently, Kerry Sports is posting yoga and abdominal exercise tutorials, among others, in their social media pages. 

Lastly, we can take note the advice of infectious disease expert Dr. Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha: “Wearing a mask is part of being smart, along with physical distancing, disinfecting equipment..." she said in an online report.

Photo is from Kerry Sports Manila Facebook page