The Pros and Cons of Mixing Sports With Politics

  • Jun 11, 2020

Sports icons speaking out their minds about political and social issues has become a trend that we've seen in the course of the last few years whether it's about the Anti-Terrorism Bill or, it's about the never-ending battle against racism or, it's about the incapability of US President Donald Trump to unite the United States that has been rocked by violent protests that were sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of policemen in Minneapolis. And while many say that sports and politics shouldn't mix, people will always have something to say. If you speak up, they will judge you for it and if you don't speak up, people would say that these athletes don't care about what is happening around them. And whether we like it or not, there's no switch-off button in human nature that makes us turn our backs on these issues and one way or another, these athletes are affected too. It's just simply a part of human nature.

If you have noticed by now, even some of our local sports icons have spoken their minds regarding the death of George Floyd and racism in general. In his Instagram post, Robert Bolick- a former San Beda Red Lion who spoke in last Saturday's episode of "Bull By the Horn" by Benny Benitez, posted a picture of him down on one knee after his workout even though kneeling down isn't a part of his workout routine and that gained the appreciation of Sol Mercado, Gabe Norwood, and Chris Ross who are part of the American-African community who are playing in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). Other collegiate stars such as Kobe Paras and Ricci Rivero of the University of the Philippines Fighting Maroons have expressed their support for those realists who are against the passing of the controversial Anti-Terrorism Bill. And we can expect more athletes to follow suit in the next few days and that's the beauty of being in a democracy.  

And while icons like Giannis Antetokounmpo and Russell Westbrook joining the protests in the United States and, with San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich calling out on US President Donald Trump, let's keep in mind that mixing sports with politics has its pros and cons, too.

For one, getting themselves involved in politics by voicing out their opinions about certain social topics or even joining protests gives the cause a better voice because it involves nationally-televised icons speaking up. It also gives those who are protesting the additional amount of hope that yes, these brighter than lights stars are with them in these trying times, and like them, these stars are also affected tool. But more importantly, sports athletes who have been vocal about certain political issues have moved countries forward. It pushes changes

Back in 2012, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after being rocked internal debates and an ultimatum from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has finally allowed women to compete in the Olympics and by the time the Olympics in 2016 came along, Saudi Arabia doubled the women athletes that they called for national duty. If anything, that is a game-changing move not just for Muslim women but for women in general who have been long the subject of discrimination.

While there's no specific rule that prohibits athletes from voicing out their opinion on certain political issues, doing so doesn't end well especially if it involves high-caliber athletes. And in this scenario, the athletes weren't even involved as it was the political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and the ones that suffered is a young US team who was forced by then-President Jimmy Carter to boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics in Russia. The issue back then: Soviet Union refused to withdraw its troops from an already battle-ripped Afghanistan. 

The effect of that boycott: a chunk of the members of the US team in 1980 never got to compete in the succeeding Olympics and that's just a side effect of politicians using sports as leverage in politics

At the end of the day, we all have to make our stands on political issues and that, ignorance isn't something that will help us move forward from a crucial part of the history of sports where athletes have been joining in protests left and right. Then again, mixing sports and politics is something that has been done in a long time both local and abroad and after all, sports icons are role models too. They are also serving as role models to young individuals and that, the former's stand on political issues will help mold a future athlete's mindset that yes: mixing sports and athletes is also a part of human nature. 

Photo is from Fox Sports 1340 AM